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Center Updates:
Wellness & Recovery Center - Rights and Code of Conduct
Hearts & Ears, Inc. is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment to all members, staff, volunteers and visitors to the center. To this end we ask that anyone attending the center or a Hearts & Ears, Inc. sponsored event to please abide by the following.
Wellness and Recovery Center Members and Staff have the right to be treated in a respectful manner.
Verbal abuse, physical abuse, physical intimidation, or sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the Wellness and Recovery Center or at any Hearts & Ears event.
Personal information shared between Hearts & Ears members or staff will be kept confidential and should not be spoken of outside Hearts & Ears.
Members and staff will refrain from asking other members or staff for money or cigarettes.
Members and staff will help keep the Wellness and Recovery Center clean and neat.
Alcohol and non-prescription drugs are not permitted in the Hearts & Ears Wellness and Recovery Center and anyone suspected of being under the influence will be asked to leave the Center or event.
There will be no smoking in the Wellness and Recovery Center. Members and staff are asked to smoke outside of the Center and away from the entrance.
Wellness and Recovery Center members and staff have the right not to be discriminated against or ridiculed on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, language, race, disability or religion.
Wellness and Recovery Center members have the right to file a grievance if staff or members breach the Code of Conduct.
If a member or staff is breaching the Code of Conduct a member or staff has the right, to:
Bring it to that member or staff’s attention privately or,
Discreetly mention the breach to the Director who will then discuss it privately with the member or staff.
Member or staff will be advised that he/she is breaking the Code of Conduct.
The Director will discuss the nature of the breach with the staff, and decide the appropriate course of action.
Depending on the seriousness of the situation, a warning may be given or the member may be asked if they would like to leave for the day.
If the behavior continues, or if the behavior was serious in nature, the member will be asked not to attend the Wellness and Recovery Center for a designated period of time or until the member requests and attends a meeting with the Director.
A member may be required to make a contract as a condition of return.
Grievance Procedure
If a member or staff has a grievance with a decision rendered by the Director that member or staff may apply in writing to the President of the Board of Directors. The Board President will contact all parties involved to discuss the nature of the issue; if deemed necessary, an emergency meeting of Board members may then be called to investigate further. The President will then render a final decision within five (5) business days. If the member or staff has a grievance with the Board’s decision the member or staff has the right to follow up with Behavioral Health Systems Baltimore by telephone at (410) 637-1900, Monday thru Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Support Group Peer Agreement
Group Participation Guidelines
All individuals attending support groups at the Wellness and Recovery Center are asked to kindly abide by the following rules...
Please respect other participant’s confidentiality by not discussing topics, issues or individuals participating in the group. Please do not discuss individuals not present in a particular group.
Please silence and/or turn off all cell phones, beepers, PDAs and other electronic devices that might interrupt the group. Please refrain from texting during the group and leave the room should you have to take a phone call.
Please do not interrupt other people when they are talking. Please do not engage in “Cross Talk.” Please do not engage in derogatory body language such as sighing, rolling eyes, making rude faces, etc.
Please limit your comments to a reasonable amount of time. The group moderator may cut you off to allow all participants a chance to speak.
Please agree to disagree when debates cannot reach a mutually agreed upon resolution. Please respect other people’s opinions and beliefs.
Please do not engage in offensive, racist or otherwise inappropriate language. Please respect other participant’s integrity.
Please do not touch or make physical contact with another person’s body or belongings without obtaining their expressed permission first.
Please do not engage in fighting, yelling or raising your voice with other participants.
Please obtain all snacks and drinks prior to the beginning of a group. Please attempt not to enter or exit a group while it is in progress unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.
If a group participant has difficulties following these guidelines they may be asked by the group moderator to leave a group. Any questions about these guidelines may be directed towards any Hearts & Ears, Inc. staff member.
Staff and Volunteer Statement of Professional Conduct
Professional Obligations
Respect for persons
Treat consumers, colleagues, and other professionals, students, and peers, with same degree of respect you wish them to show you.
Do not harass others physically, verbally or in writing, when referring to consumers or their illness.
Do not use offensive language, respect the privacy of others.
Do not discriminate on the basis of sex, religion, race, age, disability or sexual orientation.
Respect for consumer confidentiality
Do not publicly identify consumers, in spoken words or in writing, without adequate justification.
Do not misuse electronic mail.
Honesty, Integrity
Be truthful in verbal and written communications.
Acknowledge your errors of omission and commission to colleagues and consumers.
Do not knowingly mislead others.
Do not cheat, plagiarize, or otherwise act dishonestly.
Do not abuse privileges, e.g., making unauthorized long distant telephone calls unless work related.
Awareness of limitations, professional growth
Be aware of your personal limitations and deficiencies in knowledge and abilities and know when and of whom to ask for supervision, assistance, or consultation.
Know when and for whom to provide appropriate supervision.
Do not engage in unsupervised involvement in areas or situations where you are not adequately trained.
Avoid involving consumers in your personal problems.
Deportment as a professional
Clearly identify yourself and your professional level to consumers, staff, and at external events related to Hearts & Ears, Inc.
Maintain a professional composure despite the stresses of fatigue, professional pressures, or personal problems (leave personal issues at home while on the job)
Dress in a neat, clean, professionally appropriate manner.
Avoiding conflicts of interest
Resolve all conflicts of interest in favor of the consumer.
Do not accept gifts of value from consumers, vendors or suppliers.
Responsibility for peer behavior
Take the initiative to identify and help rehabilitate impaired staff, students, and other employees.
Report serious breaches of the Code of Professional Conduct to the appropriate person.
Indicate disapproval or seek appropriate intervention if you observe less serious breaches.
Respect for property and laws
Do not misappropriate, destroy, damage, or misuse Hearts & Ears property.
Adhere to the regulations and policies of Hearts & Ears.
Adhere to local, state, and federal laws, regulations.
Professional Ideals
Attempt to cultivate and practice virtues, such as caring, empathy, and compassion.
Fullfill your professional responsibilities with conscientiousness.
Notify the responsible supervisor if something interferes with your ability to perform your tasks effectively.
Learn from experience and grow from the knowledge gained by implementing a personal program of continuing education and continous quality improvement.
Students and volunteers should complete all assignments accurately, thoroughly, legibly, and in a timely manner.
Cooperate with other members of the team in activities.
Be generous with your time to answer questions from colleagues, consumers, and consumers' family members.
Use communal resources (equipment, supplies, and funds) responsibly.

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